Event Calendar
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- 27Riders Branch BirthdayAll DayThe Anniversary of:- Royal British Legion RIDERS Branch Inaugural Meeting At Cheltenham Branch, St. Anne’s Road Cheltenham, Glos. on 27th November 2004 In July 2004 a meeting took place at The Royal British Legion Villag , ...
- 28Oxfordshire Monthly Meeting19:30 - 21:30Here in Oxon, we have traditionally held a social and meeting on the 4th Thursday of the month. As with all Branch events, this is open to all comers who would like to join us. We have decided to keep the location consistent to make it slightly easier for folks to find us. , ...
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- 4Berkshire monthly meet19:30 - 20:00Berkshire RBLR County Monthly Meeting – come along meet and greet. , ...RBLR – Wiltshire Monthly Meetings20:00 - 22:00RBLR Wiltshire monthly meetings, come along and meet and greet.Please let me have an agenda items at least 1 week before the meeting if possible. , ...
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- 7North East Christmas Dinner18:00 - 18:00This Years Christmas dinner will again take place at the Sporting Lodge Inns Middlesbrough, Low Lane, Stainton. Middlesbrough. TS17 9LW. 01642 578100 I have again booked the Roseberry Suite so same room as last year. 2024 the cost of the meals will be £23.95: The menu options will be Starters: Tomato soup or , ...
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- 10Dorset Monthly Meeting20:00 - 22:00AgendaMembers AttendingApologiesEventsDiaryCalenderAOB , ...
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- 15Lincolnshire December Brunch Meet10:00 - 12:00We will be at Cheerio’s Cafe this month. 10.00hrs to 12.00hrsNorth Rauceby, Sleaford NG34 8ETPossible ride out afterwards, if weather is on our side. If not why not come in the car. , ...
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- 18Nottinghamshire – Monthly Gathering19:30 - 21:30Starting with our usual slot moving to the 3rd Wednesday so please add it to keep in your diary and why not come and see what’s going on!! Nice to see our meetings continue to grow in size & fun!! – Keep up introducing your fellow biker friends and we welcome new members wanting to come and see what we are all abou , ...
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- 21Northants Meet09:30 - 11:30Northants are having a breakfast meet with Veterans UK at 0930 on 21 December at the Ock n Dough, 14-16 Farm Road, Wellingborough, NN8 4UF. , ...
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- 1Berkshire monthly meet19:30 - 20:00Berkshire RBLR County Monthly Meeting – come along meet and greet. , ...RBLR – Wiltshire Monthly Meetings20:00 - 22:00RBLR Wiltshire monthly meetings, come along and meet and greet.Please let me have an agenda items at least 1 week before the meeting if possible. , ...
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