The Riders Branch is a national branch of the Royal British Legion, covering the whole of the UK and in fact the world.
We support and promote the work of the Royal British Legion as it supports the serving and ex-serving members of the British Armed Forces.
We are brought together by our enthusiasm for motorcycling, and our willingness to support the aims and charitable efforts of The Royal British Legion.
Branch members have the option to belong to more than one branch if they wish, allowing them to remain members of their local Legion Branch/Club as well as the Riders, which is a National Branch.
Riders Branch National Events

Memorial Run 2025
The 2025 Branch Memorial Ride and Service has been booked for; Saturday 10th May 2025, and will be held at a newly established location within the NMA called The Amphitheatre….

Non-Attendance Rally
The idea of the Non-Attendance Rally is that we don’t organise a rally in a special location, and you don’t attend. While not attending, you don’t have to pack, or…

RBLR 1000 Endurance Ride
This is a sponsored long distance motorcycle ride to raise money for the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal. The event has been running since 2009 and has always had well…

National Rally 2025 – UPDATED
An annual event for RBL Riders Branch members, and guests, only. Normally held end of June, start of July in a different location each year. 27th – 29th June 2025…
Branch News and Announcements

Poppy Appeal Total Smashes Target
For our 20th anniversary, the Branch set itself a target to reach a total amount…

Lee (Tank) Gardner
The Branch has been informed of the sudden and sad passing of our friend, and…

Branch Memorial Service 2024 Video
Video from the 2024 RBL Riders Branch Memorial Ride at the NMA.

Message from the RBL National Chair
It is with deep sadness that I share the news of the death of our…

Remembering the courage of 1944
This year marks the 80th anniversaries of momentous battles and turning points of the Second World…

RBL General Election Manifesto 2024
Our Manifesto calls on the next UK Government to: Download the full manifesto – click…
About Us
We take part in all types of biking and biking events, from track days to rallies, on customs to sports bikes, and everything in between! And not forgetting formal Legion organised events and fund raising.
The Riders Branch is keen to attract motorcyclists and supporters of the Legion from across the globe. We already have Branch members from Cornwall to Scotland as well as Europe, Northern America and Australasia.
We are brought together by our enthusiasm for motorcycling, and our willingness to support the aims and charitable efforts of The Royal British Legion. Branch members have the option to belong to more than one branch if they wish, allowing them to remain members of their local Legion Branch/Club as well as the Riders, which is a National Branch.
We have members from The Royal Navy, The Army, The Royal Air Force, The Royal Marines, and all the Public Services as well as those who have not served, but wish to support the aims of the Royal British Legion through the Riders Branch.
All members are encouraged to play an active role within the Branch at Local and National level, with the emphasis on being pro-active in getting together with other Branch members in their geographical area.
We try to attend as many events as possible during the year across the whole spectrum of the motorcycling calendar. We use all these events to raise awareness and funds for the Poppy Appeal.
Not forgetting, we are Bikers and try to enjoy ourselves at social events as well.
Poppy Appeal Fundraising By The Branch
Branch Poppy Appeal Total So Far since 1st October 2023 –
£149,671.08 (as at 30th Sept 2024)
Branch Poppy Appeal Total for 2022-23 was £87,996.14
Branch Poppy Appeal Total for 2021-22 was £163,411.89
Branch Poppy Appeal Total for 2020-21 was £70,722.02
Branch Poppy Appeal Total for 2019-20 was £46,150.51
Branch Poppy Appeal Total For 2018-19 was £134,814.53
Branch Poppy Appeal total since we started in 2004
Our Badge
Our Badge is the Royal British Legion Crest with a rocker bar at the bottom. We are one of very few Branches allowed to have the rocker bar, to distinguish us when we are out and about.
Whilst a good point of contact, we do not make the wearing of the badge mandatory, it is optional. We do stipulate however, that if the Badge is worn that it is not worn next to anything offensive or that may bring the name of TRBL into disrepute. We ask that if worn it should be displayed either on your right or left chest.
You may have seen many of us wearing our military badges and medals to celebrate our own service as proud ex/and still serving members of our Armed Forces. This too is optional and is your choice. The wearing of leather waistcoats is a typical biker form of attire and the choice of riding vests for many of us, leather protects us from a spill. If your choice of clothing is cordura or one-piece race suits then that is your choice.
Our bikes, of which we have every possible make and cc, may be adorned with large poppies, links to our website, artwork from the badge. It is all an individual statement and not Branch Policy.
The Riders Branch Standard
Due to the size of the Branch we have two Standards, one in Staffordshire and one in West Sussex.
The second Standard was Dedicated in 2011 at a moving ceremony at the National Memorial Arboretum.
Our Branch Standards are currently paraded at many events all around the United Kingdom by our two Standard Bearers, Mervyn McAleese and Marcus Panayiotou. We have, however, many standard bearers within the branch who carry standards for local branches.
For more information on the Riders Branch Standards and where they are to be paraded please contact the Branch Standard Bearer.
Where Are We?
We are a part of the Royal British Legion National Districts, and as such cover all the areas that the Royal British Legion Does.
As a National (and international) Branch, we cover the whole of the United Kingdom, and have sections in other countries as well. To make organisation and management of the Branch easier, we organise ourselves into Regions, and within these are Counties.
We also have an Overseas Region which caters for Scotland and all other overseas areas.
Our Branch Regions, and their counties are listed HERE, and you can contact the relevant Regional Representative by using the CONTACT US page.