Nottinghamshire – Monthly Gathering
Starting with our usual slot moving to the 3rd Wednesday so please add it to keep in your diary and why not come and see what’s going on!!
Nice to see our meetings continue to grow in size & fun!! – Keep up introducing your fellow biker friends and we welcome new members wanting to come and see what we are all about. Lets see if we can still grow further!
This is where you can get to know and socialise with some of the members of the Notts County Squadron together with learning more about what we’re up to regarding our rides out, social gatherings and fund raising activities for the ‘Poppy Appeal’ – Get involved a little… or a lot – it’s your choice!!
Food will be available on the night at £2.50 per head with full bar facilities – Please add your name to the thread should you require food so we can guage numbers.
Parking available on-site. Meetings commence at 19:30hrs so please ensure you arrive promptly and are seated in time. Open also to any non-members wish to come along that may be interested in becoming a member of the RBLR.
RBLR Member Merchandise also on sale at the meetings for those wanting patches etc (paid up RBLR members only).